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John Bull Printing Outfit No.9

Fabulous Flea Markets

Fabulous find at Bristol Flea market - John Bull Printing Outfit No.9


All the more relevant after recently stumbling across this fascinating film with Stephen Fry.

The Machine That Made Us

This is the trailer. See full film here https://vimeo.com/59440552

StampDuty with Lilla and Meg

A creative space to meet and share, explore and play

Inside John Bull Printing Outfit No.9 there is a tin box full of tiny rubber letters and a line of letters placed in a wooden holder. I ink up the letters in the holder and press it into a piece of wood to reveal the word 'Acceptance' and so the rest of StampDuty is a cathartic expression of acceptance with fields of numbers and unspoken characters, cows and pigs, dogs and milkmaids all choo choo chewing from the southern trains.

See Lilla's website for evolution of StampDuty Stamping it Out