Rubber Stamping - Stephen Fowler
Stephen Fowler's new book published by Lawrence King is a must for rubber stamping enthusiasts! This informative, colourful book is illustrated with fantastic hand-made rubber stamps with step-by-step instructions for creating your own rubber stamps. The book includes advice on carving techniques, tools and materials, masking, repeat printing, registering multi-colour prints, collaborative printing, and lots more printmaking tips and techniques.
Stephen's Book Launch - Arnolfini bookshop - Bristol
Stephen’s book launch last Saturday evening at the Arnolfini was a great success. The queue for the book signing stretched out of the shop into the foyer where the walls were exploding with rubber stamp prints from his afternoon workshop. Stephen signed everyone’s book with his hand carved stamps and gave each person his complete undivided attention. The book almost sold out with only a few copies left. So pop into the Arnolfini bookshop soon to get your copy!
Stephen Fowler - Rubber Stamping Workshops
Thank you Beshley and Jon from Arnolfini bookshop for the sending your photos of the rubber stamp prints from Stephen's workshop on Saturday afternoon. You can find out more about Stephen Fowler and the world of rubber stamp printing at Look out for his workshops here too. And pop into the Arnolfini bookshop to find all kinds of fabulous books and magazines from art, design, illustration, architecture, fashion, film, and lots more creative curiosities.