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Folklore CD cover - working progress

Photo: Work in progress - Printing 'Folklore' front cover with Ruth's Hand Lever Block Printing Press.

Ruth Broadway is a maker who illustrates and prints, makes jewellery and home accessories. You can visit her blog here http://rubyandthepaperparade.blogspot.co.uk

You can also find her wonderful work at Makers Shop & Gallery too.

Lino Registration Front Cover


Embarking on an exciting new project this month - to design and print an edition of 200 album covers for Guy Malkerson's new album 'Folklore'. I produced a linocut for the front cover and designs for polymer plates to print the inside, spine and back cover in blue and gold. All printed on 100% recycled card stock.

Huge thanks to Ruth Broadwayand Angie Butler for the loan of your presses for this project. My trusty Adana is having a rest and in need of a checkup so I'm extremely grateful to have your wonderful support to enable me to complete this project.