letterpress cards

act your SHOE SI/E

"Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them” Albert Einstein

Jacquetta brings some fun and quirky type setting to this morning’s letterpress workshop.

With no Z in this alphabet she comes up with another solution. A forward slash hints at the idea of a Z. Simple and effective. Oh the beauty of limitations. 

Jacquetta making sure type is back to front and and not upside down in this case as type is set straight into the chase. 

Jacquetta making sure type is back to front and and not upside down in this case as type is set straight into the chase. 

not your AGE 

Jacquetta chooses large caps type for SHOE SIZE & AGE to make her point.

Jacquetta chooses large caps type for SHOE SIZE & AGE to make her point.

Jacquetta’s Motto

"act your SHOE SIZE
not your AGE"
Jacquetta’s finished motto printed on the adana 8 x 5 printing press. 

Jacquetta’s finished motto printed on the adana 8 x 5 printing press. 

Jacquetta was a fantastic problem solver and quick to learn which shows in her beautifully finished letterpress prints.  

Hamilton Wood’s Type and Printing Museum 

Thanks Jacquetta for sharing this video about Hamilton Wood’s Type and Printing Museum.

Little Book of Letterpress

And thank you also for this beautiful gift ‘Little Book of Letterpress’ by Charlotte Rivers. 

And thank you also for this beautiful gift ‘Little Book of Letterpress’ by Charlotte Rivers. 

Letterpress Prints by Charlotte & Philippa


Beautifully printed cards by Charlotte and Philippa at the letterpress taster workshop. Charlotte used a mix of large metal type to print ALICE and RORY. Philippa printed "And all the while a great wind carries me across the SKY..." in 10pt New Clarendon. Together they made "ThaNk YOu" cards using a mix of uppercase and lowercase Univers type. Thank you both for your dynamism!
