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ep cover

Letterpress - Mermaids and Blacksmiths


Jess ward EP - 100 EP covers printed on the Adana 8x 5. Plum black ink on smooth white 100% recycled card stock.

Adana 8x5 check up-checked and all working fine and dandy!

Top Tips from Roy Caslon:

  1. Make sure the chase base is the right height and sitting level with the bottom of the chase.

  2. Check roller runners are the right way round and the correct diameter.

  3. Make sure the laygauge is not touching the chase base.

Jess Ward - EP

Recent design and printed edition of 100 EP covers for wonderful folk singer and harpist, Jess Ward from Pembrokeshire. She has just released her four track EP, gleaming beautiful songs of mermaids & blacksmiths...

Jess Ward - EP

  1. The Blacksmith 07:31

  2. The Giddy Girl 05:49

  3. The Mermaid's Lament 06:23

  4. 3 Leaves 06:35