arts trail

South Bank Arts Trail - free printing demos @ El Rincon Spanish Bar

Eightfivepress printing demos

Discover the wonderful world of traditional letterpress printing

As part of the Southbank Arts Trail, Bristol I’ll be heading over to El Rincon Spanish Bar with my adana 8 x 5.  I’ll be giving free demos on how to set type on the 1950’s table top printing press and there'll be some printed goodies to take away on the day! : ))

"PRINT, v.t. to impress, to imprint; to mark by pressure; to fix deeply, as in the memory; to stamp with coloured patterns. v.i. to practice the art of typography; to prepare and publish a book. n.a. mark made by impression; printed letters; the impression of types; a printed fabric, an engraving. n. Print’er." from Rapid Printing Made Easy - a Handbook for Users of the New Adana High Speed Printing Machine.

Saturday 14th May 12-4pm

El Rincon Spanish Bar

298 North Street


