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Clair de Lune

Screenshot 2021-03-26 at 10.32.06.png

It was a real joy to make this film for Andre Shilmon performing Debussy's Clair de Lune.

Perfect timing too as the following weekend I managed to capture reflections of the February Snow Moon in the lake not far from my home. Merged with textures in the landscape of waterfall, river and pond resulting in a dreamscape of light reflections.

Andre Shlimon is a contemporary-classical pianist and composer, and the alter-ego of Paper Fishes frontman Andre Levy.

Andre Shlimon Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/6pYzZYVKEXWby7hgLA99vC

Paper Fishes Spotify: open.spotify.com/artist/0P5Au1xPkldiHh7PAat9cS

More of my films here https://www.eightfivepress.co.uk/films or here https://vimeo.com/519500335

Have a lovely weekend xx
