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Trees & Songs in Orange & Gold

It’s been a busy couple of weeks at the studio and I’m excited to announce that a limited edition of 100 EP covers have been printed for Red Deer Sleeping’s EP ‘Autumn’. 

Printing Spiral Song Titles


Thanks to the lovely Lisa from Lymebay Press for transferring my design for the inner sleeve onto polymer plates. Although I love to work within the limitations of traditional letterpress, there are times when having more more control over the design is preferred. Mixing analogue and digital enabled me to create spiralling song titles for the inner sleeve. It might have been a bit of a challenge typesetting this by hand!  

Inside inner sleeve printed with orange linseed oil based ink

Inside inner sleeve printed with orange linseed oil based ink

Printing British Oak

I scanned and enlarged this botanical illustration of British Oak by W.H Fitch.  The image was transferred to a polymer plate which I then fixed to the chase base enabling me to print the design using the adana 8x 5 printing press.


100 inner Sleeves Printed

Ouside inner sleeve printed with gold linseed oil based ink

Ouside inner sleeve printed with gold linseed oil based ink

Autumn EP Launch

Red Deer Sleeping’s EP ‘Autumn’ will be released on the 16th November at their EP Launch, El Rincon Spanish Bar, Bristol. Click here for more details. 
