Netsuke - Tiger (Signed Tomotada)

I am working on Tiger. The ivory tiger netsuke is crouched behind the glass with his back leg raised up to his whiskers. He is in between 'Tiger' signed Ransen (A.52-1915 FOX GIFT) and 'Tiger' signed Mitsuhide (A.51-1915 FOX GIFT). On a recent trip to see an interview with Judith Kerr (The Tiger who came to Tea) at The Southbank in London. I spent the next morning visiting Japan to find a different type of tiger lurking in a corner.

Neatly tucked between Europe and China, Japan is on display. The light is dim and hauntingly spacious. Textiles, ceramics, Japanese woodblock prints, lacquer chests glow from glass cabinets and in the corner, the reason I have come here; rows and rows of miniature sculpted creatures behind glass. Japanese netsuke.

Edmund De Waal mentions in his book "for rooms covered in gold, it is very very dark". After reading In praise of Shadows by Junichiro Tanizaki (Recommended by Lucinda at Mr B's Emporium in Bath) I now understand the importance of low lighting and how gold and lacquer actually become illuminated in the dark.

"And I realised then that only in dim lit half-light is the true beauty of Japanese lacquerware revealed - Lacquerware decorated in gold is not something to be seen in a brilliant light, to be taken in at a simple glance; it should be left in the dark, a part here and a part there picked up by a faint light." Junichiro Tanizaki

So here I am in Japan. This is Room 45 at the V&A South Kensington. I am photographing in turn these new found inspirational objects, quietly building my own collection of netsuke. See post The Hare with the Amber Eyes, for my introduction to netsuke. I am drawn to the tigers, possibly after an inspirational interview with Judith Kerr yesterday afternoon - taking me back to my own childhood and one of my favourite illustrated books 'The Tiger who came to Tea.' It was first published in 1968, now a classic which is still so popular with children today. The entire audience, including the children, are mesmerised by Judith's eloquently spoken stories about her own childhood in Germany when Hilter came into power.

I upload my photos to the computer, blow up the tiger to full screen and make a drawing of the the tiger in my sketchbook.


I then scan the image back into the computer, re-size the tiger in Photoshop and print it out on tracing paper.


I rub the reverse side of the tracing paper onto the wood with a bone folder. What a joy to discover the ink transfers beautifully onto the magnolia wood. Much clearer than the rough plywood. This tiger is ready for carving...

Tiger (signed Tomotada 429-1904 DRESDEN BEQUEST)